The Nokia 1o11 was the first GSM mobile. It was launched on *10 December 1992*
This handset measured 195x60x45 mm and it featured monochrome display and it also had an extendable antenna.Its memory was only able t0 have 99 phone numbers.It was operated in the 900 MHz band
Its battery was slim,400 mAh,Li-lon.its physical size was 153x45x21mm that is 139cc its weight was abt 146g with a slim battery nd 187g with a standard battery
Nokia 5190 Nokia GSM mobile phone model.
It was released in 1998.In that period of time it was known as the most popular cell phones in the was available in the market from 1998-2001
it had a screen of 47x84 b/w, it's battery was abt 900 mAh NiMH its over all physical size was 48x132x31 mm.